Portfolio Management Services (PMS)
Pace 360 Multi-Asset PMS is a distinctively designed combination of various asset classes in Global & Domestic securities such as fixed income, equities, precious metals & commodities. Our strategies generate a healthy alpha in a portfolio and intend to strive hard to meet all the financial goals of the investor. We tailor the product completely in accordance with the risk-return profile of the investor and the stated preferences.
Our Competitive Edge
Our multiple PMS strategies are highlighted by PMS Bazaar & PMS AIF World as the top performing schemes in the country across all categories and time frames.
- A True Multi-Asset PMS, first of its kind in the country using the macro top-down approach
- Portfolio returns are uncorrelated with any single asset class or vis-à-vis other PMSs in a similar category
- Low correlation with your existing portfolio will add to the diversification
- Portfolio volatility is lower than that of a single asset class
- No restriction on minimum exposure in an asset class during a market correction
- We have ample skin in the game
- Higher hurdle rate than the industry peers
- Ample liquidity is always available
PACE 360 PMS Strategies
Disclaimer: Investors should consult their financial advisers if they are not clear about the suitability of the product.
Universe of Financial Instruments

Meet our PMS Key Management Team
Co-Founder & Chief Global Strategist
CEO – Asset Management
Compliance Officer
Kindly submit your details, our Relationship Manager will get in touch with you, or reach out to us at