Portfolio Management Services (PMS)

Pace 360 Multi-Asset PMS is a distinctively designed combination of various asset classes in Global & Domestic securities such as fixed income, equities, precious metals & commodities. Our strategies generate a healthy alpha in a portfolio and intend to strive hard to meet all the financial goals of the investor. We tailor the product completely in accordance with the risk-return profile of the investor and the stated preferences.

Our Competitive Edge

Our multiple PMS strategies are highlighted by PMS Bazaar & PMS AIF World as the top performing schemes in the country across all categories and time frames.

  1. A True Multi-Asset PMS, first of its kind in the country using the macro top-down approach
  2. Portfolio returns are uncorrelated with any single asset class or vis-à-vis other PMSs in a similar category
  3. Low correlation with your existing portfolio will add to the diversification
  4. Portfolio volatility is lower than that of a single asset class
  5. No restriction on minimum exposure in an asset class during a market correction
  6. We have ample skin in the game
  7. Higher hurdle rate than the industry peers
  8. Ample liquidity is always available

PACE 360 PMS Strategies

Fund Facts

Sharpe ratio (Since Inception) – 4.77
Beta (Since Inception) – 0.38

Benchmark : NSE multi- asset index 1


This strategy is curated for Family offices, UHNI’s and Institutional clients customized based on our strategic and tactical market outlook. The strategy is tailored to meet individual or institutional investors’ unique requirements, which might include specific risk tolerances/mitigation, asset classes, sectoral preferences or any other specific goals / constraints. The objective could range from capital appreciation to income generation.

Projected Asset Allocation

The strategy will invest in various combinations of multi assets including but not limited to:

Fixed Income (NCDs/MFs/ETFs/Bonds) up to 100%
Sovereign Gold Bonds/ ETFs/ Other Precious Metals Instruments up to 100%
Equity and Equity equivalents (MFs/ETFs/Direct Stocks)/ Other Equity Instruments up to100%
Global Equity ETFs up to 100%

Fund Facts

Sharpe ratio (Since Inception) – 5.28
Beta (Since Inception) – 0.46

Benchmark : NSE multi- asset index 1


To achieve high returns in a very dynamic macro environment which requires deftness and complete flexibility in asset allocation.

Projected Asset Allocation

The fund manager will decide the asset allocation at any point in time.

Equity and Equity equivalents (MFs/ETFs)/ Equity Derivatives up to 100%
Sovereign Gold Bonds/ ETFs/ Precious Metals Derivatives up to 100%
Fixed Income (NCDs/MFs/ETFs/Bonds) up to 100%

Fund Facts

Sharpe ratio (Since Inception) – 6.11
Beta (Since Inception) – 0.32

Benchmark : Crisil Aggressive Credit Debt Term Index


Outperform traditional fixed income portfolios by adding precious metals to achieve consistent returns with moderate volatility

Projected Asset Allocation

It will follow a Conservative risk investing methodology:

Fixed Income (NCDs/MFs/ETFs/Other Bonds) up to 100%
Sovereign Gold Bonds/ ETFs/ Other Precious Metals Instruments up to 50%

Fund Facts

Weighted Beta – 0.90
Weighted P/E – 30.20

Benchmark – NSE multi- asset index 1


A dynamic asset allocation strategy that aims to identify transformative themes and undervalued sectors of the Indian economy.

Projected Asset Allocation

It will follow a Conservative risk investing methodology:

Equity/Equity equivalents (Global Equity instruments/MFs/ETFs) up to 100%
Fixed Income & Cash Equivalents (NCDs/ETFs/MFs/Bonds) up to 100%
Other Precious Metals Instruments up to 15%

Fund Facts

Sharpe ratio (Since Inception) – 2.84
Beta (Since Inception) – 2.14

Benchmark – NSE multi- asset index 1


Achieve high returns using small and micro cap Equity investment options while mitigating high volatility.

Projected Asset Allocation

It will follow a very aggressive investing methodology. Following will be the asset allocation:

Equity Derivatives up to 15%
Fixed Income & Cash Equivalents (NCDs/ETFs/MFs/Bonds) up to 100%
Equity/Equity equivalents (MFs/ETFs) up to 100%

Disclaimer: Investors should consult their financial advisers if they are not clear about the suitability of the product.

Universe of Financial Instruments

Meet our PMS Key Management Team

Co-Founder & Chief Global Strategist

CEO – Asset Management

Compliance Officer

Download the Disclosure Document from here :

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Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism

In case of any queries or grievances, please feel free to get in touch with us on clientservice@pace360.in


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